Slow and Steady

A word unspoken. A bond unbroken. Your presence is like a silver token in a sea of gold. With each breath I witness destiny unfold. That sweet lining, as I continue finding all that u are. One coin after another. Richer with one another. How sweet the taste is. Let's face it. Embrace it. If just for the moment, let's not waste it.

The journey is the destination. The sound is the music we are facing. Ring the bells. Sing the chorus. Throw the doors, let's adore this. Whatever this is. Whatever it might be. The sun keeps shining, so come stay awhile with me. The clouds may come, the sea may rage, the mountains crumble, and the grass is covered with flames. I got you. No need to worry. So hurry. Hurry please. Before this passes, like the memory of a slight sneeze. 

Huff and puff, breathe and wheeze. Run till you drop on your knees. Call out to God and ask whatever you please. For now, we are caught in this sensual tease. For now, we will freeze. Move slow. Glacier like. Without a sound. For miles and miles around. We will come, we will see, if anything I'm saying is truly meant to be.


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