Cold Carbon

Certified stunner. Shock, awe and wonder. Eyes sparkling like diamonds, cold carbon with a feeling like midsummer. Endless, tattoo your name on my heart. Stop, when will it ever start? Knock on the door. Winters over, yet the deep freeze bites the toes some more. Warm up to me, for you can't fight what you adore. Color, a spilt box of crayons on the floor. Black and white the pictures of the world fade out more. Memories, let's start some good ones. Late nights and sunrises, whisper my name in the bedroom naked with no disguises. Am I getting through to you, cause all I hear is static. Lovers and friends, sing it Usher, you still got it. Old school jams, candle lit dinners, dancing in the dark, just heavens blessings on two sinners hoping to find one heart. Look for lust, confuse it with emotion. When shit hits the fan, hide it from the world and keep on coasting. Relationships are meaningless, more and more this is true. But what is meaningless is if you let fear stop you from trying something you never knew. Get a clue, grab a card, play the game. Don't know what you're in it for, the money, the looks, the power, or the fame? What happened to fairy tales? When did princesses turn to witches? Why can't you find prince charming? Well he's out hanging with the bitches. This is your type? Oh shit, who knew? What is meant to be unexpected is something you already don't classify, feel it, get a clue. This is what you want? That's coo. The clock will end that real quick, and you'll be wondering how you ended up in a sea of blue. Check out the dork with the glasses, that's right, the one over there who gets average grades, reads comics, and passes by in a room full of sniggers and stares. Something you may not know, something you may not see, that guy there,can give you all that you need, and make you part of something greater, indeed. No male model can do, what he can do. Looks only last so long, but the dork that makes love to your mind, singing a song to your heart, he can't be wrong. So what's left during the long nights, one night stands, and affection misplaced? It's a cold day in this world baby girl  so get it right, or end up like cold carbon, a cheap ring and broken promises on a flight with  temporary lovers during short, fleeting nights...get what you want, not what you need, if so, I bid you goodnight, sweet dreams, and hope you run faster when you realize you're missing the one satisfying puzzle to a life half written, a sunflower without the seed 


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