Same shit, different day.

Just another night of these thoughts. Lately it's all I got. Attacking my mind with the force of a gunshot, sudden and deadly. Still holding steady. Trying hard not to falter. Sometimes it feels like its in vain. Never quite in pain, but just on the threshold of something pleasant, if all I dream ever happens. My blankets warm, but the night is cold. I am young, but my soul feels old. Too far ahead of my time, since I wrote my first rhyme. Too hungry for my desires, how my body is not consumed by this fire I just don't know. Another tick of the clock, another moment of doubt. The clock ticks again and suddenly I'm looking up. This roller coaster is nauseating, questions without answers are nothing short of aggravating. I've done my time. I've paid my price. When Lord will I escape the ice of this desolate waste? Alone, feet faltering in this race. Am I doing it in vain? Taking another step towards a new dose of pain? Back to the same old cycle? Just for now I need an answer. I scream it to the stars, as they wink back in reply. Why oh why? I know it is again my time to fly, but the loneliness hidden is never fully it never fully goes away. Sleep it off. Tomorrow is another day.   


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