Cold Carbon 3: Magic and Madness.

Absolute madness are thoughts such as these. For a few day and a few nights my mind has been illl at ease. Determined to love you, to cherish you, to bring you joy, to cease this endless celestial tease.  Placed in my path for a reason, not known as of yet. Given clues from dreams and the gut feeling that has set. Though diamonds are forever and flawless it seems, diamonds can be imperfect, an indecisive beauty in my dreams. To speak is to hear the wind whisper through your mouth. To search your eyes, is to see what you feel and what you dream about. So young and so old, physical form and the sanctity of your soul, to press forward on blind faith is what makes me seem bold. It's a scary thought, being on the threshold, knowing something must give, that glimpse of fleeting gold, for to give in now is not how I would chose to live. A sheep to a shepard, a wolf to a pack, if this step is not taken, then longing hearts  can not give back, to one another, building a bond that's deeper than two brothers, with trial and error, we will must fend of our personal terror. Do what needs to be done, blow past your fears, no matter what screwed you up before, what chewed you up and spit you out the door, give all your heart, your love, and be given back so much more. The cold carbon reveals the madness within, but what is madness made of, oh where did it begin? It's just an expression of complex emotions, a desire of a human seeking eternal devotion, to the feelings you've been taught to follow. Do it, I dare you to love like there is no tomorrow. For if you never try, tomorrow no longer will be, you'd have taken a step back, and ran away from destiny. What will be will be, but sometimes you need to make it. Take it gently by the hand, be real, cause it won't last if you fake it. The princess met the prince where she least expected. He wasn't what she thought, not in looks, not in type, but she wouldn't take it back, cause for once she feels connected. So sleeping beauty, sleeping in the castle you keep, I'm gonna get you either way, no matter the muddy water, no matter how deep. Send your dragons with fire and flame, bash me with  ogeres and try to inflict your pain, make me eat an enchanted apple to put me to sleep, to with this game though, you'll have to surrender to me willingly and with hardly a peep. To embrace all that is unknown in me is your best offense, for when you lose your resistance you destroy all the foolish pretense. So the diamonds in the rough were put there by pressure, the cold carbon now will be what makes your heart into a beating thing, not just a statue on the dresser. I implore you, I dare you to see, what beauty can be made if you chose a life that's free, not paying a penny more than the price of you and of me.


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