Cold Carbon 2: Diamonds Under Pressure.

Feeling the pressure, a rough 50 degrees. Getting what you aim for can bring you down to your knees. Life requires a philosophy, study the greats, become your own Socrates. Don't aim to please- just please yourself- just masturbate your mind till you're further ahead, coming up from behind. Off a few months and I ain't had no sex, but playing with my mind-putting it on paper will soon increase my wealth, bringing me big cheques.  Convex, concave-bending the light till you illuminate your own night. Make the moon your sun-howl louder than a wolf-drown out the sound of the gun. Nothing can kill you, lest you let it. It's like waking up from a bad dream, looking at the bed, realizing you no longer wet it. There's nothing to be scared of, it's only life. Do what you do, whether you're gay, straight, single or in bed with your wife. What are Disney fairy tales but expectations never met? Brain wash the youth, grow old- waste your life working for someone else behind your booth. What's a beautiful girl on your arm, nothing but a live bomb in your palm. Choose right. Take your time. Falling for the first pretty girl with no qualifications is a straight road to hearts harm- you'll know when it's breaking. What's a good looking guy with abs, but drama on wheels, fooled by a physical charm. Race and color are just a product of evolution, a division of our history, so don't settle for a type and ruin life's mystery.  If you like the mundane, the superficial, the predictable, then don't be surprised when the sex is not what you expected it to be. You got to make that connection, feel someone out, take the time to do it right, understand what they're all about even if it takes more than one night. Pieces of the puzzle, the jigsaw to your life- culminate in a few things-meeting someone, getting married, becoming a husband or wife. But what is love of not an action verb? It's something you make, something you do, something that requires some work. So go buzzerk. Be a bit crazy. You're life means shit of you're too scared to risk it, to chill and be lazy and quit. The road to self-redemption is of your own choosing, but did you really fuck it up or is it just your mind that you're losing? The grass is greener on the other side? The grass is greener where you chose to fertilize. Germinate, procreate your feelings. Stretch out to the world with your hopes and find what amazing things it's concealing. Hooked on this feeling I can't explain, though this journey is full of pain. Hungry for love, thirsty for life. Sunny days are coming, just as long as I can walk the knife. Cold carbon turning to diamonds under pressure. This is my life. I dare you to do better.


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