At Death's Door, Life Calls Me For More

At Death's Door, Life Calls Me For More

It's quiet now. Things have been slow. I can feel the time coming for my green to replace my yellow. Rest while I got it, no rush needed. The hasty soon find their dreams defeated. Yet time flips by faster. What happened a life time ago, seems like just yesterday, a distortion I'm still trying to master. No boundaries, no lengths, yet I can feel the days slipping by, sapping my strength. Got to make a move soon. Trying hard to not be one of those guys who talks the same old shit with no results- a buffoon. Twenty three soon turns to twenty four, and the results are slow in coming, still looking for the right key to fit the golden door. Got to finish what I started, fit the pieces to my puzzle- I can't live broken hearted. No longer do I look at the Brew House, wondering what if and reminisce. I've fully moved forward, no more regrets, a feeling that I've sorely missed. No longer burning, only consumed by a yearning to feel someone better, to make myself greater. I think I've already met her, but I don't let her consume me like before, that will only bring pain to my front door. No longer angry at the world, life sure feels beautiful, though I'm still discontented with my position, walking the road ahead on a seemingly endless mission. It's always said that the journey is the destination, like the gas prices the road to the end is always filled with inflation-the road seems longer. There is something in me deep down, something in this journey that goes round and round. Something by accident I found. No apologies for what I write or think, my own stubbornness is the key to quenching my thirst from the golden goblet I will drink. Willingly you will come to me, turning excuses out, when this run is over and the time is out. I'm going to attempt to kill myself now-not literally- just drown everything I am, and surpass what I use to be. For life to take root, a death there must be, a change I must witness, something I've longed to see. Like the growth of new healthy cells, the destruction of me, will help me grow, and become the leafy green tree, life giving, in my conciseness I see. It's already been happening, a few years in the making, the time is nigh, my soul has reawakened and I'm ready to once again fly. The dragon is back, the lion, the inner beast that takes over. It's time to lay my cards down, time to place my bet. Whatever the outcome, I know I will not fret. So hello to death I say, well met. Life happens, I've grown exponentially. The sun is shining. I've challenged myself to be, clear as the reflection given by water, all I can be. I see it so vividly.


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