Only Time Will Tell

Just another 3 a.m. in my bed. My thoughts weighing down my head. It's like I don't write anything happy these days cause it's hard to be truly happy in all things on the best days. At least I don't go negative. I can't blame the world. I can't blame other people. I can only push through the madness, strife. I can only push on through this life. It's gotta give sometime. There's no time like the present to air out my problems. Things that rob me of sleep. These things use to be buried deep. My stoic face now gives way to emotion. Can't play poker now with it even if I wanted to. Good at my game but I'm still behind. Every day on this endless grind has my mind uneasy. Just need someone to release me from this burden. Hurting so long that pain barley registers on my radar. I feel it for a second, accept it for what it is and keep pushing. Stubborn as hell. I ain't living well. But I'm still writing my story, and if it gets better only time will tell.


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