
"How old do you think I am?"

"I don't know. But I definitely didn't think you were 24."

"It must be the beard and the face."

"No. You look young physically. You just seem older. I don't really know why."

The first...maybe the second thought that came into my mind after waking up today was the conversation above. This took place on Wednesday and its just sinking into my brain now. I think my soul is from a different age. I feel older than my years, and antiquated at times. Don't get me wrong, I have an extremely open mind, but some of the things I believe in seem to come from somewhere in the past.

I remember now a tarot reading I had done over a year ago. The man said to me I would have been better living off in the time of the Renaissance or Ancient Greece. He said I would fit in a lot easier and be happier there. I think he was right.

These two memories now only stir the questions of why am I here and what is my purpose in this time? I wish I knew that now in this moment. But like all good things, the answer is somewhere within the journey and I must wait, be patient, and hope that I will find the answers I seek.


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