Nightmare Smells

My bed smells like nightmares. The sweat and the fear role off of it in waves. It's almost overpowering.

I lay my head down and begin to dream. I'm chasing something. The corridor is pitch. If I stretch out my hands to either side I can lay both palms flat against the cold stone walls. But I can not linger for I can hear what I chase. I smell what I seek. I run after my prey with the bloodlust of a man possessed.

The room inverts and reverses. The positions change. I'm the one being hunted. How did things get this way?
No time to stop and think. Run. I must run.

I can hear the boots crashing behind me. It's close.

I run faster.

Stomp. It's getting closer.

My leg begins to cramp.

Stomp. Stomp. It's closer now...

Oh God help me...

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. I can't beat it. I got to face it. That's the only way to survive.


Then silence.

The blackness is closing in. The very air feels heavy and oppressive. It's too hot in here.


My body begins to quake. My knees are shaking. The adrenaline is flowing.



I step out of the shadows and I see myself smile at me. There are two of me now. Myself and my other. One in the same. Except for the eyes. The others eyes are red. I can sense the fury behind the colour. He holds his hand out to me. I know he wants me to take it. Who am I to refuse myself? I reach for his hand, my fingers just brushing the tips of my others...

...when I feel the knife plunge into my chest. Such pain as I have not felt since days long ago spent. As I struggle to breathe with the blood seeping into my lungs... I look myself in the eye and I understand why things have to be this way.

My bed smells like nightmares. The sweat and the fear role off of it in waves. It's almost overpowering. Awaking from death to life, I can't help but cry for the old self has died- his innocence gone. A new self is born, untouched, unblemished, and not worn. The world wasn't even warned.


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