In Appreciation

I woke up this morning pretty charged and ready to go. Then as it usually does in the morning something that bothers me makes its way into my thoughts and saps a bit of my energy and tempers my eagerness for the day. There isn't much I can do right now about it and it kind of sucks. All I can do is wait. But what I can do is appreciate how good I got it with the friends I have and the people that have an impact on my life.

First and foremost a thank you to Pawel Zygmunt for being a loveable polish man for the last 20 some years of my life. You rock. Anwar Fayad! Get Facebook damn it so you can see me sing your praises. You are one of a kind. Francisco Ferman Rodas. My Mexico. My place to run when the cops be chasing me and an amazing friend. Jared Carvalho. The acquaintance of my life. Always a straight shooter with a big heart. Kyle Galas. Been through life and almost death together. Got mad love for my homie. Augustine Aranas. I haven't seen you in awhile but it always feels like yesterday when we meet. Norbert Janas. My brother. My blood. My family. I love you more than I love myself. To Maya Limamy. You're still my definition of sexy and you're like a girl out of my imagination. You're on some next level shit. And you're an amazing friend who has a big heart. You deserve the best and I hope you get it. Sylwia Romanowska, my sweet sweet lady. You're like the sister I always wanted. I'm glad you and Paw el found one another. To Darren Hall and Daniel Sim- real recognize real. Silent Assassins for life. Last but not least to Ali Seifeddine. You sir are just a joy to be around. You have an amazing spirit and always have an opinion on everything. You're just a good man all around.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of people but this is just what comes to mind right now. Thank you to all of you for your impact in my life. Here is to many more years of friendship and love.

Gabriel Janas


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