Control of My Mainframe

It's hard to sleep. It is a bit alarming. I don't have to tell you about the things that go bump in the night. It's been 100 years since the last night of solid rest. But for once I'm not helpless. I'm also not lost. I know who I've been. I know who I am. Most importantly I know where I am going. That clarity is like a pool of water in a desert. Refreshing as fuck. Now it's only my ambitions that mess with my head and my heart. But I'm going to get mine. I always make sure I do. This time I do it the right way too. I ain't happy but I'm motivated as hell. Anything that gets in my way...well we know what happens there.

Ps. To you who is going through hell right now: I know we have our difference and problems but you have friends who are there for you if you need them. I am also here. My ear is open as is my heart.

P.p.s.- "We all have stress Gabi. You can't let it get you down. Just stop stressing and push through. " - Inconsequential advice on school has never been more relevant to life and never been so simple and helpful. Thanks for the reminder my friend.


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