Prologue to Book 2 of my Novel

This is the prologue to book 2 of the trilogy of novels I am currently working on. This is an original work and I retain all rights of usage and distribution for profit and non-profit. This can not be used for profit or non-profit without my express written consent

Thank you,

Gabriel Janas

Prologue to Book 2 (book 1 and 2 as yet untitled).

"What do you remember of her?"

"Everything," Gabriel whispered to the voice seeped in shadow. "I remember the smell of her fresh picked strawberries. I remember her strong as iron and as fragile as stained glass..."

"Is that all?" asked the voice from its shadowy retreat. "We're you always this happy when you spoke of her?"

"I've never spoken about her...until today," he replied as his eyes struggled to pierce the veil of darkness around him. "Why are you even asking me all this? I don't even know who you are..."

"We'll get to time," interrupted the voice with clear amusement. "For now tell me what it was like. The whole experience of being around her and within her. What was it like to be so entwined through flesh and time?"

Gabriel sat there in the darkness, silent as the grave. In his thoughts the last words of the voice echoed with incessant meaning but no explanation or understanding. What did he mean by 'flesh and time'?

"ANSWER ME BOY!" the darkness thundered, finally losing its eternal patience.

"It would take a like time to explain," he said. "All I know is that every moment we spent together we grew to challenge and respect one another. She was the master. I was the student. We also grew in love. Those were the happiest moments of my life... short of one."

"What was it? What did you feel?" the voice of darkness asked. It was eager now.

" was the only time in my life where I felt truly afraid. Afraid for her...for what she had done, and afraid for myself for what I'd have to do alone," Gabriel said. "And anger. Such terrible anger as I have never felt before or since."

"And do you feel this anger now?" asked the voice behind the curtain of pitch blackness, enticing and egging forward to some design of its own.

"No!" Gabriel replied swiftly, feeling the darkness recoil in disappointment. "That anger is nothing but an old stain from a glass of wine on a carpet. The memory is still there but like the stain that has been scrubbed a hundred and one times it is faded. It holds no power over me now."

The darkness was still got a moment. After eons of contemplative silence it asked him one last question with a hint of cautious menace staining the air, "Then what do you wish to do now?"

"I wish to bring her back," Gabriel answered simply.

The darkness only greeted his answer with sinister laughter that echoed all around like the tolling of church bells at a funeral.


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