What Christmas Means To Me

The modern Christmas is a time for consumerism, parties, corporate greed, stimulating an economy, getting drunk and all sorts of perverse things. To many people it is the time for giving and holiday cheer. A time for acting like all is right in the world as a whole and in each of our own private worlds. It is also a time to celebrate the religious belief of the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. Christmas is so many things.

To me, now more than ever, it is a time for good food and especially for family and friends. It is a time to be cherished and to cherish. A lot of people go through life without true friendship and many go through every single day with out family. It breaks my already fragile heart to think about it.

Maybe that is why we as people need this time so badly. Maybe this is why it is ok to pretend that our lives and the world are ok for a few days, or even a few moments. Maybe it's ok to spend excessively on things we don't need, to give to one another though we know we can hardly afford what we give. Maybe we need this holiday to get us through another few hours, days, or the year to come. Maybe we need to take this time to appreciate the family we have with us at the moment and remember the family that can't be with us- separated as they can be through false pride, anger, obsessions, drugs, physical distance or death.

So to all you people out there cherish those closest to you, even those not so close. Tell them you love them. Laugh. Cry. Play. Sing. Dance. Eat. Live. Live for these few moments where you can snatch bits of happiness through all the grime, confusion and pain that this world bombards us with every day. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Stay safe. Stay strong. Just stay. Tonight as I sit down to dinner with my family I raise my glass in a toast to all of you. A toast for your good health, your happiness, and all the finer things in life. I love you all. God bless.

Gabriel Janas


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