Coolest Christmas Present Ever!

My friend Anthony is working on a wicked Christmas present for his nieces and nephew. Basically he is doing a role playing quest to find keys to unlock a treasure. He asked me to help him write a poem for the map that he is making for them. I hardly write anything child appropriate but I was so impressed with this idea I thought I should give this a shot. I had so much fun writing it and figuring out the rhyme scheme that I just had to share it on my blog. This is what came out:

In a castle made of stone there lived three children all alone.
Two were princesses beautiful and fair.
The third a knight, brave and faster than a hare.
They found a map one day it seems, it said " follow me to find the Keys to a treasure beyond your wildest dreams.
But beware and try not to scream! For this hunt is not as easy as it may seem.
First make for the high mountains of old and face a dragon that shall make your blood run cold.
Head to the wise old forest next, and seek the immortal elves whose charm and wit may perplex.
Then down to the water you must dash. Reach the island and avoid the Giant Squid's mighty grasp.
Only then will you find what you seek- three keys and a great treasure that will be yours to share and keep."

Gabriel Janas


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