The Shit Men Can't Say.

Do guys get insecure? Sure they do. Are we tall enough? Are we cool enough? What does that guy have that I don't? Why am I always getting friend-zoned? Am not good enough to be with you? Am I making enough money? Is my car the latest and greatest? Am I good in bed? Am I good man? Am I a good father, husband, boyfriend, son, brother? Will I be able to provide for her?

We don't talk about it. We know we are expected to behave a certain way by our peers and society. When we do end up talking about these things to women their perceptions of us switch so subtly that they can't even explain why they use to like us but not anymore. It's everything that's anti-masculine. Well guys are insecure too at times ladies. It's just as hard trying to learn to be a man in this day and age, as the definition of a man seems to change all the time. So don't worry ladies. We won't talk about it. It's not worth it.


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