
I'm headed home. I'm almost there. To my surprise there is an unusual sound in the air.


I strain to hear it. The street lights along the road begin to flicker.


I begin to feel a sense of dread. Something is very wrong about this night.

"What do you want?!" I yell out the window. "What are you trying to tell me?!"


Frustrated, I yell even louder, "What do you want from me?!!"

The light all go out with one big POP!
Darkness. I slam on the breaks of my car. I can't see a thing.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I whisper. Now I'm afraid.

Right then the darkness decides to answer back. A high pitched voice, older than the hands of time shrieks, "ALONE!"

Jumping back into my seat, I cringe a little from fear and the strangeness of it all.

"What did you say?" I ask timidly.

"Alone," the the shrill voice whispers in my right ear as if there is someone siting in the back seat. "You're all alone... And that is how you will remain."

I begin to weep there inside my car. The voice spoke the truth.


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