The Silent Clock Master

Why are we as people always trying to kill time when time is all we have? We won't live forever. Our heart beats are finite. Any moment could be our last. Why do we waste our precious seconds in front of a screen that shows us images of the way we should be living? Where is our sense of urgency? Is it the condition of youthfulness that deceives us with a false sense of immortality? Is this why we leave the most important things on our minds an in our hearts for the next day, or the day after that? What would happen if we suddenly heard the silent clock of our lives begin to tick out loud? Why would we do? Are we the masters of our own fate or the robots of other faceless individuals that we sacrifice our lives, health, and happiness to in our belief that we can make a profit and ease the circumstances of our own mundane lives? What's really important? When will the silent clock master make himself heard?


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