Lay Your Head Down and Sleep

As I'm about to lay my head down to sleep I think of all the secrets within me that I keep. Never again. I say once more, but better than before. What's done is dead, time to make a new place to lay my head.  My place of sleep plus one because four or five only make me temporarily alive. Just one whether for a day or a year, if it's right it's right and it could lead to eternity my dear. So never fear and don't believe in never. I'm seen stranger things happen. Just like the weather man you'll have a hard time predicting what changes will come and which will be for the better.

It maybe just another lonely night, bright lights and memory fights. But every dark night eventually brings a bright day. After chaos is balance because their is no dark without the light. Like ying and yang we will swirl around one another, a part of one in the center of the other. Time can be the greatest ally and the greatest enemy. It's kicked my ass before but today it is a friend to me.  

So don't discount the strategy, even if you stay mad at me, I'll just keep going on and on like an energizer battery. Grand scheming, skills polished up and fiery eyes beaming. I become magnetic. I can see you still orbiting around. In reality it's hard to escape my gravity. You may think I'm deluded but you are what you believe, mentality shapes your physical reality, that's why things seem to come easy and people get mad at me. If you don't understand just don't be afraid. We all die sometime but today is not the day I come to the call of the grave. There is to much to do.  So close your eyes, and rest your head with whomever you're with. I ain't mad because a place holder is all that he is. 

Just the way energy can not be created or destroyed my essence is never gone within, it's just changed itself into that ever nagging void in your chest. It just takes a moment to fill. A supernova exploding filling you with life within. If man was created in the image of God then God I shall be. I think it and it shall be.


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