Man on the Moon vs. Man in his Room.

**My own little rap/story/poem...I guess a rhapsodey...brought on by some deep thinking and vodka...and a little sleep. ***All refrences to Kid Cudi's songs are used as a serious fan appreciation and are not intended as infringment in any way. Laying in my room, listening to Cudi cut, Mind consumed with no accurate thought, On the dark side, like the kid's man on the moon. Sip a fifth from the skull, crystal V burning as it goes down slooww... Cudi chanting this will be my world...something I already know, never need to be told. The wait seems long, all my work must amount to something...the night looks on with a smirk, Cool touch on my a ghost or an angel as my mind starts to work... The sweat begins to seep, feeling like Cudi's nightmares; hard to sleep, minds not silent...all I hear is the peep peep... A thumping forms around the room, in tune with my heart, I'm all consumed; Mr. Janas listening to the Man on the Moon. Tell me, tell me what I already know, ...