In the Park.

Swinging in the dark, I feel at home at that old familiar park.
The sand is in my shoe, kind of like when I was two.
Everything seems easier.
Pushing my feet back. Never on the right or wrong track.
Nothing matters but the sky. The faster I swing, the higher I fly.
What am I doing here? I really don't know.
Looking for an a question I can't recall.
The street light comes on, the night starts to fall.
The street light goes out, like the fire in us all.
Where did that passion go? Did it really flee my soul?
Or did it transform and I'm too cold to feel it at all?
The echoing laughter of children permeates the night.
Theirs no one else around...just wistful memories out of sight.
Alot of days have come and gone. Some good and some bad, for most I still long.
I've always felt older, that with others I don't belong.
No sense living in the past many people have said. I whole heartily agree as I reminice in my head.
I laugh and I cry, I live and I die. I grow and transform, I regret and I mourn.
I am not who I use to be and yet I'm still the same. In me so much has come and much has changed. In the world it is much the same.
No one said it would be like this, though we know change will always come. It never affects us so much until we hit the hard times...and inside we feel so numb. Or angry...or bored. Emotions always shifting, like the glare of a double edged sword.
Do I miss the past? I think don't we all? Yes there are moments I wish I could go back to. Most I would keep the same, some I would try to change. I would try a little harder, let go of all my hate. I've learned to forgive, but for some it is too late. I would change myself...I WILL change myself, for that I know it is never too late.
Still I sit here with no sense of purpose, it's getting late.
The street light flickers back's the waiting I hate...
I know I must seize the day...find my path. I feel greatness it the motivation I lack?
No it's not brain is under attack, searching for the answer to a question that I lack.
I swing on and open my eyes. The night has come.
The stars are in the sky.
With sand in my shoes, I jump off the swing.
The laughter still echoes...I can hear it ring.
I leave with a smile...just faint on my lips...
Inside I frown...what destiny is this?
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