Man on the Moon vs. Man in his Room.

**My own little rap/story/poem...I guess a rhapsodey...brought on by some deep thinking and vodka...and a little sleep.
***All refrences to Kid Cudi's songs are used as a serious fan appreciation and are not intended as infringment in any way.
Laying in my room, listening to Cudi cut,
Mind consumed with no accurate thought,
On the dark side, like the kid's man on the moon.
Sip a fifth from the skull, crystal V burning as it goes down slooww...
Cudi chanting this will be my world...something I already know, never need to be told.
The wait seems long, all my work must amount to something...the night looks on with a smirk,
Cool touch on my a ghost or an angel as my mind starts to work...
The sweat begins to seep, feeling like Cudi's nightmares; hard to sleep, minds not silent...all I hear is the peep peep...
A thumping forms around the room, in tune with my heart, I'm all consumed;
Mr. Janas listening to the Man on the Moon.
Tell me, tell me what I already know, my rise is quiet now but soon all I will show...
OH, OH OH OH OH, no apparently so, the songs changed like I'm alone at the disco...only the mind know know...have I out grown...grown?
You? Me? I don't see...
Soon trapped in my own blissful space; all dreams come true, no pain to the eyes like a can of mace...
I know it's coming soon, the more impatient I get, searching for the right connect, the beast in the night, during the day a constant fight, to stay concealed. What used to be real, one long forgotten night...
Fight no just soar...nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh naa naa naaa naaa, Cudi sampling like I'm in my own personal record store.
No infringment intended homie; listening to your art, just chillin homie...inspired to write my own among the ghost in the dark.
Wake up...wake up...get up...get up. Work hard and prepare to floss up. That's what you're taught in this society you're a part of...yet that Mike Jackson glove still unreachable in the vast halls of love.
Doors, doors...all you see is your soul, like a highrise, it contains multiple floors. Feelings intermingle...faces of light and dark...changing and hunting your sanity like a shark.
Afraid? Why? You know you got it made! Or do you?
Thoughts creep the dark...can't sleep...
2 in my sight. Is this allowed? Society sets the rule of thumb, only one allowed...can't pick a style, both make me smile, pst and present collide al the while...mix in a raging tide...with each new wave I die inside.
Natural and normal, this is all I know, beast and beauty I show. No man is perfect, need time to grow, patience with myself something I need...time to take it slow...slow, smoking drough...some place I thought I would never go, go...not there now, puff puff pass...all found in the past, though sometimes I rather smoke, toke cause I'm broke, knowing the life I work in society is a joke...joke. The Prusuit of Happyness...a book...a life lesson someone gave me so long ago..go..
I'll be fine once I get it, Cudi know...yet there are things that I won't let go. I'll get it back, soon I know, a strange feeling like being numb from the winter snow. Knowing it's there, wondering why I care, life a bitch, feeling this way just ain't fair...
Night and the spirit of life...lion king music fills the air...slicing my mood like a knife opening a tear...realizing hope's still there. In my reflection, they live in me...numbers 1, 2, 3. Only one will be true, wait it out, that's all i can do...taking hold of every moment..only live once, a regret is not permanent...just seize the day and own it...lay back let the mind invent.
Eyes getting low, Pac and Maya in the background, head boppin slow...what tomorrow brings only God will know...have faith and believe, I will be given everything I need.
Go and rest...the divine will watch and judge...whether your in the the bath or in the sludge...the man in his room, have faith in your purpose...says the man on the moon.
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