Muse: Simulation Theory Review

Old reliable is back at it again. Muse's new album Simulation Theory is that good dose of musical heroin amongst a storm of cheap watered down or gimmic laced music populating the airwaves today. I feel like I've been transported to the 80s, but yet still somehow in the future with the aggressive guitars, sonically scintillating synths, and booming base. Stand out tracks include the opening track Algorithm, The Dark Side, Propaganda, Break it to Me, The Void, and the whole host of remixes to every track on the album, most notably the Break It To Me (Sam De Jong Remix). Thank you Muse for injecting your unique brand of music into my life once again. Please come to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for another concert. I've been to two of your previous shows and I'm dying to get front row or floor seat tickets to a show. You're one of the few bands of all time to be even better live than you are on an album. That's a hard feat to achieve. Also, you should think of doing a mash up album with Imagine Dragons. I feel like your sounds complement each other well.@muse #yeg #musicreviews  #spotify #writer #muse #simulationtheory #canada 


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