Star Wars The Last Jedi: Review: Initial reaction and Reflection on the Star Wars fan base.

After seeing Star Wars: The Last Jedi today and browsing through comments in fan pages, I saw a lot of complaining and butt hurt. Please kindly fill out this prescreening form, roll it in a moist towelette and shove it up your ass. The Force Awakens wasn't good enough for these people because it used too many elements of A New Hope and was too driven by nostalgia. Now these same people are   butt hurt about the Last Jedi because it's too different and allegedly ruins characters and is full of plot holes. What y'all are really hurt about is that it totally blew away all preconceptions, theories, and expectations that fand spent the last two years making up out the water. You're entitled to that opinion.

Personally, I think most Star Wars fans are afraid of change. They want things to stay familiar and the same. Star Wars as a franchise would not survive this long if it just kept rehashing the same old shit. It needed to expand the mythos, change up the characters, and the way to universe functions in order to grow. I am personally glad all my preconcieved notions going into the movie were shattered. The trailers even warned you: "This is not going to go the way that you think." It didn't. Star Wars is all the better for it. As for the plot holes, Star Wars has always explained plot holes in other media formats (books, comics, and games). The Star Wars universe is first and foremost a business and is owned by a smart corporation: The Disney Company. They absolutely know what they're doing and those plot holes are there for a reason. They're there to be detailed in expanded media and make money. Please also don't act like y'all are not going to by anything else that's related to Star Wars or see another Star Wars movie either. Maybe 5 percent of fans will follow through with that. The rest of y'all know you're going to be right back needing a hit of that Star Wars heroin.

Lastly in this little rant, I hate how Star Wars fans vilify the director immediately after the movie did not go thier way. A week ago Rian Johnson was being praised as the best thing to happen to Star Wars. Since Thursday it seems, he has been torn apart on fan sites, social media, and YouTube channels for destroying Star Wars. When George Lucas made the prequels the fan base did the exact same thing.  The level of disrespect that a large portion of Star Wars fans have towards these creators of content is astounding. Y'all should just be grateful you're getting any new Star Wars movies and material at all. This is the golden age of star wars.  Never in my wildest dreams did I or most of you think we would get a new trilogy anytime soon, let alone amazing stand alone movies, and an additional trilogy to come.  I've been a Star Wars fan my entire life. I am a big fan of the Expanded Universe and followed it religiously. I was sad to see it scraped in favor of a new canon.   I chose to embrace the change with some hope and delight that we as fans are getting a ton of new Star Wars content.  I may not like some of the choices the directors and authors have chosen to make in this new canon, but the reality is that this is what Star Wars is now. I can either bitch about it or enjoy the ride and explore this new universe and focus on the parts I love about it. So, to vilify the directors and people who make this content for you just astounds me and makes me a bit angry.  I'm a content creator myself.  I am an author and I maintain a YouTube channel and a blog. Not everyone is going to like your stuff.  I get that. But damn, be a little grateful at least and stop making the fan base look like a bunch of whiney, entitled little bitches because things didn't go as you expected or as you'd hoped. You want things in the Star Wars universe to change? Go put in the work to become an author, a director, a screen writer, or apply at Lucasfilm or Disney and work your way up. With some hard work and a little bit of luck you might find yourself in a position to inform the future of the franchise you feel has been destroyed and at that time the decisions you make will be your prerogative and Star Wars will be what you say it will be.  Until then stop making the rest of the fan base look like assholes with your bitching and moaning.  To Rian Johnson and the whole cast and crew of Star Wars The Last Jedi, I commend you on a job well done.  The movie was full of the unexpected in the best way possible and the visuals were unbelievable.  This movie has replaced Empire Strikes Back as my favorite Star Wars movie. Well done.


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