Smoaked Out: The Secret Diary of Felicity Smoak-Chapter 5

Smoaked Out- Ch.5

December. 12. 2012

            What a crazy two days it's been.  The good thing about crazy days though is that I get to write in you more often!  Now where to start?  I guess the most logical place would be the phone call to Mr. Steele that I made last night.

            I was sitting at my desk while going through the list of names in Mrs. Queen's notebook when I noticed something odd.  Just to be sure my hunch was right I ended up cross checking with some recent news reports on the web.  As always, my hunch turned out to be right, well at least in my mind.  Picking up the phone I quickly dialed Mr. Steele's cell number to share the news (I only have his number for 'work' related purposes...nothing more.  Plus, he's way too old, and married, and ew).

            "I'm in the middle of a dinner party Ms. Smoak.  I hope this of some importance," Mr. Steele said as he answered my call.

            "That depends on how you define 'important'," I replied.  "See, most people would consider finding a list of names written in sub-sonic, ultra violet, invisible ink important."

            "Well then, I already know about that don't I?" he said curtly.

            "Did you know seven of the names on the list are guys the Vigilante has had in his crosshairs...that is, if bows had cross hairs...which they don't," I replied quickly.

            I waited patiently as Mr. Steele took a moment to consider this new information.

            After a few overdrawn seconds he finally said, "Well it is a rather long list Felicity, so I would expect there to be some overlap..."

            "Like Doug Miller?" I asked, interrupting his train of thought.

            "The head of Applied Sciences at Queen Consolidated.  What about him?" Mr. Steele asked with curiosity.

            "Mr. Miller may end up getting an arrow in his stocking..." I explained.  "Because he's on the list.  So...important or not?"

            Needless to say I won that one.  Mr. Steele thanked me and told me that he would look into it.  The rest of the night passed without any further developments on my part so I decided to call it quits and head out to get some food.

            Now the next night (Or tonight I should say) is where things got really interesting, and by interesting I mean I had a 'certain' visitor down in the I.T. department again.

            I was sitting at my desk, as usual, looking through the list of names that I had saved onto my tablet when an unexpected noise in front of my desk startled me out of the zone I was in.  And when I say 'startled' I mean scared the living hell out of me.  There, in front of my desk, stood Oliver Queen dressed in a nice black sweater and leather jacket combo with a strange amused smile on his face.

            "Hey," he said warmly.

            "Don't you knock?" I asked in annoyance at being snuck up on.

            "Felicity," he said with a laugh, "this is the I.T. department.  It's not the ladies room."

            Well duh! Still, I guess I came down too hard on him.  I just really hate being surprised like that while I'm focusing hard on work.  It was nice to see him again though, and to see him make a joke for once, so I quickly laughed it off and asked, "Right. What can I do for you?"

            "My buddy Steve is really into archery," Oliver explained. "Apparently it's all the rage now."

            "Yeah," I replied catching onto his vague reference to our new neighborhood vigilante and his friend's apparent fan-boyism.  "I don't know why.  It looks utterly ridiculous to me."

            Oliver just gave me this really weird look that I couldn't seem to put my finger on before he replied, "Mhm.  Anyway, it's Steve's birthday next weekend and I wanted to buy him some arrows."

            Lifting a brown cardboard tube from his side Oliver unplugged the end and pulled out a long black arrow.  Looking over it carefully he said, "He gets these special custom made arrows and I have no idea 'where' he gets them...I was hoping you could find out where this came from."

            Of course I could find out where it came from!  You think by now he'd know that I have 'mad skills' when it came to finding things out; he's only asked me to do it twice before.  What is with the Queen family and doubting my abilities?  Regardless of that fact, it was nice to see him being normal for once and doing something nice for a friend so I didn't raise an issue and reached out to take the arrow from his outstretched hands.

            "Careful," he said pulling the arrow slightly out of my reach.

            "Yeah," I replied with a smile at his obvious concern.  I'm not that blonde though.  I wasn't going to stab myself with it.

            Taking the arrow gently in my hands as Oliver sat down, I examined the length of the shaft.  After a few moments of careful analysis I said, "The shaft's composite is patented."

            Opening up the trusty Internet I quickly typed in the patent number and immediately found what I was searching for.  Looking back up at Oliver briefly I said, "And that patent is registered to a company called Sagittarius...that's Latin, for the archer."

            "Really?" Oliver replied as he took the arrow back and slipped it into the cardboard tube. "Could you find out where and when this was purchased?"

            Really? After all that you just saw me do you still doubt me?

            Sighing, I quickly looked over the patent and shipment records as I replied, "According to Sagittarius company records, 'that' particular arrow is part of a bundle shipment...200 units."

            Grabbing a pen and a sticky note I wrote down what he was looking for and said with a smile, "They were sent to this address."

            Smiling back at me with obvious joy Oliver grabbed the sticky note and replied, "Felicity, you're remarkable."

            Wow.  That was a real compliment... and it came from Oliver Queen?  Not to mention that beautiful seemed like something out a dream.  I won't lie, I was a little mesmerized by the joy on his face.  Right then he seemed real to me for the first time, and not just some rich boy I use to see all over the news.  His smile was intoxicating, and it was a nice change of pace from the serious and brooding Oliver Queen.

            "Thank you for remarking on it," I whispered back just loud enough for him to hear.

            Leaving for the exit Oliver quickly smiled that smile of his once more and said, "And Merry Christmas."

            "I'm Jewish," I replied quickly.  For once I wish he had stayed a little longer.  That smile of his is really nice.  I could get use to seeing it.  After today I finally think I saw the real Oliver Queen and all it took was a smile.

            Pausing at the door he walked back toward me and said, "Happy Hanukkah."

            I know I've said that I'm not into him or anything like that before...but after today, I guess he wouldn't be that bad to be around (Don't judge me okay?!).

            After Oliver left the rest of the night passed fairly smoothly, well, until I turned on the news that is.  It turns out that sometime after he had left Queen Consolidated, Oliver got into a motorcycle accident when a semi-truck truck cut him off in traffic.  There was also something on the news about the Starling City Vigilante rescuing a bunch of hostages from a warehouse in the Glades, along with a bunch of green and black colored arrows being found on the scene (I think they said something about a copy cat archer?), but I could care less about that.  Picking up my phone I quickly dialed Mr. Steele's number to see how Oliver was doing.  Mr. Steele answered my call promptly and reassured me that Oliver was fine and that he would call back with details when he got out of the elevator.  It's been about two hours since I heard from him last...I'm sure he just got busy with family business so I won't press my luck tonight.  Still, it would be nice to know more about Oliver.  I'll try again tomorrow.

Goodnight diary,



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