Smoaked Out: The Secret Diary of Felicity Smoak- Chapter 3

Good evening my dearest diary.

            First off let me say how sorry I am that I've been neglecting you this last little while...not that you really can care right?  Still, I'm sorry.  My life's been pretty routine since I last wrote in you.  What have I been doing your ask?  Oh, just the usual stuff like waking up, going to work, listening to my annoying supervisor prattle on in my ear all day, and eating Chinese food way too much... oh, and being my fabulous self of course.  Every single day has been pretty much the same, which really makes me think I really need to get out more.  Spending a night on the town wouldn't be so bad would it?  And it's not like I don't have any friends... I SWEAR I STILL HAVE SOME FRIENDS!  Maybe I should call them up and we could go see a movie or maybe go out dancing?  I like to dance...and I'm pretty damn good at it matter what anyone says.  Maybe I'll even meet someone...but then again maybe not.  I wouldn't really have the time with how work has been lately.  Looks like it's going to be more of the same old stuff I guess.  Nothing interesting ever happens...well, except for today I guess.

            Guess who showed up out of the blue again?  Well it's not really out of the blue...his family kind of just owns the building that I work in so I should expect to run into him sometimes...but still, it was really out of left field to be summoned upstairs today by none other than Oliver Queen himself.  And as usual he needed me to find something out for him.  Hasn't this guy ever heard of the Internet?  I know that he's been away from civilization for a few years, but still.

            Anyway, Oliver called me up to Mr. Steele's office (whose away on a trip in Australia...kangaroos...ugh) in the middle of the day to find some information for him about an 'old friend' of his.  I'm not really a fan of being summoned, even though it was a nice change of pace...and it was nice to see him again and meet his bodyguard Mr. Diggle (who unlike Oliver seems to actually be capable of humor), so I kind of did that sarcastic thing I do when I'm a little miffed.  I casually said to him, "I should add personal internet researcher for Oliver Queen to my job title."

            He just gave me this weird smile and tried very hard to look offended...well he actually might have been a bit offended.  It was kind of rude I guess and seeing as I actually love my job I quickly added, "...happily, I mean."

            I still can't tell if he knew that I was joking.  Mr. Diggle got it though.  I heard him give a little laugh under his breath.  Working for the rich must be pretty boring but he seems like a cool guy.

            Cutting straight to business Oliver leaned back in his chair and said, "His name is Derrick Reston.  We were close before I...went away (he meant before he was lost at sea and presumed dead for five years...but I'm sure you already got that diary, right?) ...and I want to get back in touch."

            At this point I was pretty sure he'd never heard of the internet so I decided to have a little more fun with him...maybe he'd even smile a genuine smile for I said, "I guess you didn't have Facebook on that island."

            I know! I know!  That was a cheap shot.  But he needs to loosen up and stop being so serious all of the time.  You'd think that after surviving for five years all alone he's learn to have some fun now that we was back, but I guess not.  That being said though, I'm as curious as anyone else to know exactly what happened to him during his time alone.  I guess I'll never know.

            "Nope," Mr. Diggle said right then to break the awkward tension.  "Not even a MySpace account.  It was a very dark time (I already said I like this guy right?)."

            The look of confusion on Oliver's face was priceless and even kind of cute...not that I think he's cute, we've established that already.  Anyway, score one humor point to team Felicity and Diggle!

            Getting to work as Oliver still struggled to comprehend the social reference I managed to pull up Reston's information fairly quickly.  "Well there's not much here that is recent," I said.  "There's no credit activity, no utility bills...Oh, I guess you guys must have met at the factory."

            Oliver just looked even more confused as he said, "Wait...what factory?"

            I really didn't know if he was being serious right then or not.  Maybe he had just forgotten so I said, "The Queen steel factory?  Derrick Reston worked there for fifteen years until it shut down in '07."

            "Reston worked for my father?" he asked all slow and serious like.

            Looks like Oliver Queen lied...again.  I hate being lied to.  I had to call him on it.  I don't care who he is at this point.  "You weren't really close friends huh?" I said as I stared at him accusingly.

            I have to say that trying to stare Oliver Queen down is probably not the smartest career move...and I honestly couldn't keep it up no matter how much I tried.  His return gaze was intense.  It literally screamed 'this is not the time for this!'  Needless to say I lost that one, but I'll get him one day.

            "Looks like Derrick was the factory foreman until your dad outsourced production to China," I said to break the tension.  "About 1500 employees got laid looks like the finance guys even found a loophole in the union contracts, so they didn't have to pay severance packages and pensions to their employees (that makes me sick!).  They all pretty much lost their homes...including your 'friend'."

            What do you have to say to that Mr. Queen?  I hate the way the rich people of this city just walk all over the regular people with no consequences what so ever.  Someone really needs to do something about that.  Maybe that Vigilante that's been all over the news, you know, the one who is targeting one percenters, actually has the right idea...minus the killing of course.  I really hope that Oliver Queen doesn't turn out to be like his father.  I wouldn't like him at all if he was, not that I like him now.  Needless to say that was the end of that meeting.  Oliver and Mr. Diggle left with a quick thank you and that was the end of that.

            I guess that is the most excitement I can expect at Queen Consolidated.  Anyway, I'm off to bed.  I've said this before, but this time I will try to keep it, I'll write back in you soon my dear diary.



P.s. Why is it that anytime anything semi-interesting happens I always seem to be writing about Oliver Queen lately?


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