The Initiation of Men: Poetry and Tales of Discovery NOW AVAILABLE


Manhood is not what it once was.  From the time of the Industrial Revolution to the economic recession of recent years the role and understanding of masculinity and manhood has been scrutinized and changed as men struggle to find their place in an ever-evolving world.  Subjects like love, life and death, money, relationships, loneliness and how to be a man are often avoided or addressed with confusion, guilt and fear. This book of poetry and tales aims to bring clarity and understanding to the topics most important to men.  Written for men both young and old, as well as the women that enrich their lives, the age old question of what does it mean to be a man is explored in all its complexity.  Whether you're just figuring out what manhood is all about or you've known it all your life but have questioned those beliefs you have been brought to this moment for a new understanding. This is your journey. Welcome to your initiation.  Welcome to the world of men.

Available on:
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Coming soon to Sony Reader Store, Barnes & Noble, Baker &Taylor, Library Direct and Page Foundry.


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