A Presence in the Dark

I can hear you within the dark, I'm not as alone as I thought. How long have you been there keeping me with silent company? How long have you waited in the shadows for me? I hear your breath, the only breeze in the void. I hear the rhythmic pounding of a heart overjoyed.  What does this mean, your newfound presence? Tell me why you came to this shadowy place? What journey brought you to this land of twilights eternal embrace? I know you are there and that silence is often golden, but it's been so long since us two have spoken. Just one word, one syllable I pray. If you can not then stay for a little while for old times sake. Though I feel you in the darkness unbounded, you don't belong in its shadow for your light has yet to be charted. So set a course for the sunrise back home, and never fear, for you will never have to walk the darkness alone, my dear.


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