Two Bites

Though he had to have two bites at the cherry, somehow he knew it was inevitable. Yet, his very nature made it improbable. It would never last, this mystery of the past, haunting and echoing like shattering crystal and breaking glass. He'd moved too fast, he was caught unprepared. Life's darkest moments held him fast. He was caught in the headlights, blinded by the beams, try as he might, there was nothing he could do it seems. So he made his choices, committed to his mistakes, and now the snake is headless, the ground at his feet no longer quakes. He found some small semblance of peace, a little freedom from his past, and still he goes on staring through the looking glass. Will it ever truly leave him, he can never be sure, the further he moves forward, the more his past becomes a blur. He felt it fade, but not disappear. He dug his own grave the moment he chose to hold her near. With great pain come great lessons that echo through out his life. To be better than who he was is like walking the edge of a knife. Though he had to have two bites at the cherry, somehow he knew it was inevitable that he would end up writing this.


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