Over Due.

Butter pecan in my cup, chocolate sprinkles on top. Really stopped caring what happens, my bottoms already gone up. It's funny when a care just vanishes, knowing in your heart it will all work out. What was stressed and messed a day before has been put to rest. No worries about blowing my money with no new job in sight, maybe it's destructive, but hell I'm feeling alright. Girl on the mind? Sure I got one. Whatever happens and has been said, I just chose to ignore, following my instincts, all I see is red. So shit the bed, worry all you want, my calm is cool, no trash talking in this game, no need to flaunt. What will be will be, though the pain comes free, the rewards are worth the struggle, still working out how to give you all of me. It will happen, I have no doubts. Trusting the feeling in my gut, trying to work it out. Trying to get richer quicker, setting my aim, pulling my creative trigger. Blowing out my brains, collecting my thoughts.  Words on this paper will be freedom well bought.


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