What is sexy? Sexy is the way you say "hey" just to strike up conversation. Sexy is the push and pull of every word uttered, give a little, take a bit. Sexy is the class you define and the standard you set, always a lady, never letting anyone put you below what you claim to be, not even me, especially not even yourself. Sexy is what I know you're capable of if we are ever alone- not yet shown, but always hinted at like a soft whisper in my ear. Sexy is your love for life, and the passion you bring to each experience. Sexy is the way you speak about your family, with all the care and love of the life giving Earth. Sexy is the way you dress, always wearing nothing but the best. Sexy is your smile, when you leave I'd wish you would come back, and smile at me awhile. Sexy is the fight in your humor, willing to take a jab, and give back a funny little stab. Sexy is in your eyes, with all the mysteries they hide. Sexy is taking the time to make a little book, just for me. You're an object of lust and desire to those who only experience your surface, but the person you are, is just the start, like the beat of a newborn heart of how sexy you are to me.
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