An Assignment on Plot- Some Things Never Change

Assignment on Plot

Warm Up: Pick two subject s out of the chart on p.66 and create a 100 word character sketch.

A) A lottery Winner
B) Germaphobe

Character Sketch

My name is Alan Davis.  recently I won twenty one million dollars in Lotto 649.  Now for  most people that feat alone would inspire awe and jealousy.  For me particularly, it is a blessing.  You see, I hate germs.  I mean, I really hate them.  All the diseases you see like AIDS, flesh-eating disease, hell, even the common cold are from these sinister micro-organisms.  Now with my lottery winnings I can buy that life time supply of bleach to sterilize my house...and condoms as well.  Though I've never had sex-its icky-I still don't trust what the doctors say.  I could get an STI anywhere! I will have a condom on day and night just to be safe.

Now write a scene picking a third element and combining them with element a, and b.  Remember that even a scene has a beginning, middle and end.
C) Goes to a high school reunion.

                                                                Some Things Never Change

                Adjusting his see-through bow tie with a squeak and checking that his name tag was secured properly to his clear tuxedo, Alan Davis steeped into the old gym of Percy High school for the first time in a decade.  What a sight he must have been, squeaking in with the characteristic brush of plastic on plastic, as he walked through the doors of the past.

                The gym, still the murky brown and yellow typical of a second rate high school in Portland which couldn't afford much upgrades due to crappy state funding, looked much the same as the last time Alan had been in it; pants down and duct-taped to the wall that supported a neon sign screaming "HAPPY GRADUATION CLASS OF 2000!"  Pleasant memories indeed.

                "Tonight will be different," Alan thought to himself, "No duct-tape. No embarrassment...and Jessica Pomerly will finally be mine."

                Looking around the crowded gymnasium, full of former class mates, he spied her next to the bleachers.  Looking like she had not aged a day, there she stood in all her blonde, angelic beauty...talking to the former captain of the football team-Jake Heart... her ex-boyfriend from back in the day, and Alan's constant tormenter.

                Smoothing back his uncharacteristically gelled hair so that it laid flat back against his head-all oiled up like some Italian gangster from a mafia movie, he slowly squeaked his way toward her.

                Walking up with an awkward confidence born of lottery winnings and a tailor-made, clear, plastic tuxedo of his own design, Alan stood patiently outside of the circle of former high school elite as they finished talking about the final football championship prior to graduation all those years ago...until someone noticed him.

                As silence reigned with the new arrival of the group, which now included two other former football players, they all turned as one to regard the curiosity that had appeared within their midst, like a strange space-man from a B-rated movie from the 80's.

                "What the hell is that?!" exclaimed Jake Heart with a snigger of contempt as he pointed out Alan's plastic tuxedo.

                "Hello to you too, Jake."Alan managed to squeak out, through the sudden feeling of stark terror that had seized his being.

                "Who the..." Jake said as he squinted, looking closely.  With sudden recognition that caused his dirty blonde eye brows to arch up in recognition, "Alan? Anal Alan?!"

                Clearing his throat from the uncomfortable memory of how he had earned that nickname, Alan replied with a simple, "Yup. That's me."

                "Wow man... it's been ten years or something... what have you been up to?"  Jake said with an unfamiliar friendly sense of banter that confused Alan's already nervous mind.

                "Um...well...not a whole lot," he began," I went to university, got my engineering degree and just worked and what not."

                "Ah...I see." Jake replied to the typical, boring conversation of the less socially savvy.  "Where did you get that ridiculous outfit from? I can totally see your underwear through the pants dude."

                "Err...well I won the lottery a year or so back.  I had it specially made - from my own design of course- not the biggest fan of germs ..." Alan trailed off awkwardly, feeling suddenly self-conscious of the see- through nature of his tuxedo.

                "Oh really?" piped in a girlish voice with apparent interest.

                Looking to Jake's left, Alan found the source of the strangely attractive voice.  There stood Jessica Pomerly, all bleach blonde and glorious, in her form fitting black dress with a seductive smile on her glossy pink lips.

                "How did I forget about her?!" Alan thought, flabbergasted as he took in her radiant and ageless beauty.

                "Wow...congrats man," said Jake, snapping Alan out of his pious worship of the deity in front of him, with a quick and firm shake of Alan's unaware hand.

                "Huh...oh well, thank you Jake." he replied in the midst of his fleeting stupor, as he retrieved a small bottle of hand sanitizer from his jacket and spread a laborious amount onto his hands.

                " problem..." Jake replied with a confused expression at Alan's peculiar behaviour.

                "Alan was it?" asked Jessica with an air of feminine confidence, " How about you and I go for a the guys locker can tell me all about your lottery winnings, extravagant your life is on the way there."

                Taking the hand that Alan had so enthusiastically just sanitized, she led him to the back of the gym, giving Jake a look that Alan couldn't quite interpret.  Hiding a sinister smirk behind his beer, Jake nodded ever so slightly as the impossible couple walked off.

                Reaching the doors marked as "Boys" in the back of the gym, Alan was so dumb-founded by his blessed luck that he couldn't even begin to make conversation with Jessica.  All he could think was, " I AM HOLDING HER HAND!!!"

                Entering the dimly lit locker room, which to this day smelled like dirty socks, and adolescent sweat, Alan noted the addition of a new shower room to the area, when he was forcibly shoved against a locker and kissed deeply on the lips by the woman of his dreams.

                "Wait...WAIT!" he squealed out admits the heat of her lips on his, "I haven't told you about how I won the lottery..."

                "I don't care about that, " she whispered, unbuckling his plastic belt, and pulling down his pants with an audible squeak.

                With a gasp, Alan felt her slide her supple fingers ferociously down his boxers and grab his penis like she owned it.

                Pulling down his boxers, Jessica smiled mischievously up at him and said, "Already have  condom on, eh?  Looks like someone came prepared."

                "Yeah, well... sexually transmitted infections are..." he began, but stopped dead in his tracks as her hand began to do things to him that he had never experienced in his life.

                Laughing to herself, she whispered, "Just relax..." as a loud bang permeated the room.

                Snapping his head in the direction of the noise, Alan caught sight of Jake and his two cronies storming into the locker room with malicious grins on their boxy faces.

                "What the..." Alan managed to exclaim before he was forcibly grabbed by all three goliaths and dragged unceremoniously, pants down and all, to the shiny new shower room.

                Glancing in the direction of the locker room door, Alan saw Jessica standing there with a smile that made her look part angel and part harpie.

                "Have fun boys," she said, opening the door.  Pausing for a moment, she turned back to look Alan square in the eye from across the room as she said, "A condom? Seriously Alan, that's pathetic."

                Looking on in dismay amidst the clutches of his captors, Alan watched the locker room door close behind her, sealing the door to his dreams forever.

                With the laughter of a hyena,  Jake Heart looked at Alan and said, "Night, night Anal Alan."

                "What?" was all that Alan could say as a large meaty fist connected squarely with his nose, sending him off into sweet oblivion.

                Feeling an ice cold pitter-patter on his face, Alan woke up from his imposed rest a few hours later.  Moving slowly, he found he couldn't move more than a few inches.  Looking around to assess his most immediate surroundings, Alan Davis found himself duct-taped to one of the brand new shower heads in the shower room, pants down, and with three nozzles aimed and spraying him with their ice cold blast on his exposed lower torso.

                A small crunching sound distracted Alan from his self-pity to the corner where the door lead into the main locker room.  Standing there was old Mr. Gilbert, the same janitor that was around getting Alan out of his messes during his time at Percy High school, munching on a bag of chips in a dignified sort of manner, and with a very sombre look  on his face.

                "Jake?" was all the janitor asked in his soft, yet deep voice.

                "Yeah..." he replied with a sigh.

                Shaking his head, Mr. Gilbert came over and helped Alan escape from his icy prison.

                "Some things never change I guess..." said the kindly old janitor, trying to make light of the situation in an effort to lift Alan's spirits.

                "Guess not..." he mumbled in reply, finding his soaked plastic pants on the floor. Looking around his boxers were nowhere to be found.

                "One question Alan, " said Mr. Gilbert as Alan pulled on his wet and squeaky plastic pants.

                "What's that Mr. Gilbert?"

                Taking on a very confused expression, Mr. Gilbert, with all the dignity he could muster to not laugh at what was about to come out of his mouth, asked, "What's with the condom?"


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