In this Moment...


"What?" she asked from a little up above his face, making a curious face that could barley be seen in the dark.

"Nothing," he replied.


"This is bugging you isn't it?" she asked as she moved her hips in time to his.

"What gave it away?" he asked sarcastically.

"How awkward you are being about it, " she chuckled, giving away a hint of her slight accent in the darkness. "I'm not like every other girl."

"Clearly," was all he replied.

"Do all the girls react like that to you?"

"React like what?"

"Moaning, going wild. You know, the stuff you told me before..." she trailed off as she bit her lip and moved her hips faster.

"Yup," he said curtly while listening to the sound of her wetness penetrating the relative silence of the room.

"Well I'm different. I am a challenge. I don't really react, but it doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it."

"Of course," was all he felt like saying.

"Of course," she replied smugly.

Disconnecting from the moment he let his mind wader to where it did often as of late.  This time last year everything was much different.  Whoever she was then and is now he had no clue.  All he knew is that the silent sentinel of a woman on top of him, moving her hips in a way that should have filled the room with sounds of crazy, lustful pleasure, just wasn't her.

Sighing, he kept on moving his hips all the while wondering how long he could keep this up for, and all the while thinking that last years girl was probably doing the exact same thing he was, and having a better time.  In truth, he didn't really give a fuck about what was going on in the moment. He really didn't give a fuck about much of anything these days, but the girl from a year past with the beautiful chocolate brown eyes, the curly sensually silky hair, with a smile to kill a million men, and a heart that once upon a time always seemed so full of love...he still gave a fuck about her, even in this moment.


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