Start From Scratch.

If I could start my life from scratch, I wouldn't change shit.
Lessons along the way changed my perspective, all of it, every little bit.

The hurt, the pain, made me a man along the way.
Make's me appreciate the way I live every day.
People met along the way, love given, moments in time, memories all in a line.

As the days zoom by, good things coming. You'll see.  You all there with me, even those gone, for reasons that are their own, those relationships that fell apart, ya'll still with me.

Mom and pops, your shit didn't work out, but maybe it did.  Maybe this was meant to be.
Your lessons live on, your teachings show in your son's.  That's me.  My little brother too, he my heart's closest homie next to you two.

It's hard to find the words sometimes, but just know I'm grateful.  I don't hate you.  I want to thank you for helping me be me.  I couldn't be prouder of who I am, and who I will be.

You reading this, just know that you helped me.  Lets move forward, and take life's reigns. Do what you do and you will see.  You be you, and I will be me.


Inspired by Start from Scratch by The Game, some sheesha and grateful feelings.


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