It was just a Fling

The tidal wave was subtle, but it still hit with the force of a pissed off line backer at a varsity football game. The air was gray and murky. A blind person wouldn't make it two feet in this environment. Hell, a person with perfect eye sight could barely make it four feet without bumping into something unexpected. It was like walking amongst a sea of zombies but with the added luxury of being invisible. Could you imagine the carnage if you weren't? The noxious fumes of the gray clouds mingled with the unpleasant ashy taste that they left in the mouth. It wasn't something you could experience with any regularity back home, that was for sure. There was an even subtler hint of what could only be described as the unmentionable contents of a rundown outhouse in the air, mingled with the stench of as many drunk homeless as could be piled into a room.

"Ah. Frankfurt International Airport. How I haven't missed you." I mumbled to myself as I unconsciously wrinkled my nose .

Only in Europe can you find regular people smoking, drinking, and on the rare occasion having dirty, unprotected sex on the nearest bench long enough to act as a bed. And only in Frankfurt International could you experience the combination of ash, smoke, alcoholic fumes, and abandoned baby diapers to greet you so heartily and regularly every time you stepped out of the tunnel from the plane and into the main airport. Walking hurriedly past an arguing German couple and their baby, I made a v-line straight to the nearest open -aired viewing deck and away from the airports own perversion of good air quality.

Breathing in a huge gulp of crisp October air I placed my gloved hands on the railing to steady myself as the flow of fresh oxygen made me dizzy for a few seconds. As always the outside of the airport was a hub of efficient activity compared to the chaos that consumed the rest of the terminal on the inside. Everywhere you could see, people went about their daily tasks with the efficiency of trained martial artists. No wasted energy, from the mechanic working on the stalled jet engine of massive wing sticking out of the corner of an open hangar to the airplanes taking off and landing in perfect synchronization. Gazing off into the distance, just past the white exhaust of a plane racing upward laid the bustling city of Frankfurt. One place, I had no plans to ever see.

Sighing I made my way back into the chaos of the airport. It was like any other with the addition of poison gas for oxygen. Just past baggage check the golden arches of a McDonald's shone with its familiar warmth and inviting allure of delicious clogged arteries and triple XL pants all wrapped up in a small yellow package called the cheeseburger. Like the other McDonalds I had seen in Europe, this one probably had a whole separate section for health food and a little side cafe of unique deserts specifically from the country it resided in. This was something that only now was catching on back home. It is a damn shame that one of the wealthiest countries in the world gets everything last or is too slow and hindered by its own domestic laws to advance with the speed that the rest of the world seemed to be. It still wouldn't stop me from getting a cheeseburger though.

Grabbing my single over stuffed duffle bag from the now empty baggage claim I walked over to the counter and ordered three of the delicious monstrosities. Idly zoning out on the German portion of the menu I reached over to the napkin holder...

An electric shock raced up my arm as my fingers connected with something that felt too fleshy to be a napkin. Looking up from my daze towards the spot where the shock had come from I locked onto a pair of fabulous olive green eyes that twinkled with the same surprise I surely felt, and filled with a mysterious understanding of some fact that seemed to escape my mind in that moment. Taking in the rest of the high voltage stranger, a hunger that wasn't strictly for the food took over me. She stood just a little below my own eye level, with a complexion that was as pale as alabaster framed by her long lashes and full bodied dirty blonde hair that hung freely midway down her sleek back.

My primal hunger had me rooted to the spot where I stood. She just looked at me with that gaze that held an understanding my brain could not process. She gave me a slow smile that revealed her perfectly aligned, white teeth.

"Hi." she purred in a sultry voice that felt like silk sliding across my ears.

"He...hey." I managed to stammer in my shocked stupor.

Chuckling merrily to herself at my awkwardness, she closed the distance between us in two quick strides. Almost touching her chest to mine, I felt an intense pressure as her body vibrated with barley contained energy as she whispered in my ear, "Come with me."

Taking my hand in hers, I felt another electric jolt coupled with an intense heat as our flesh connected. Allowing myself to be lead, I stumbled along in her wake like an animal caught in the headlights. Her magnetism was too hard to ignore.

" Hey! Your burger sir!" I heard a squeaky voice call from somewhere over my shoulder. It was too late. I was already enveloped, losing control of any thought or sense that I possessed only seconds ago.

Trotting along in her wake, I followed this familiar stranger to a doorway a few stones away from the golden arches. My brain barely had time to recognize the handicap sign plastered to the door before I was dragged into the darkness.

"Wait, we aren't..." I managed to exclaim before the scent of sweet strawberries filled my lungs and the perfect stranger locked her lips to my own.

The fire and newly released agony of an understanding that this would be only a short encounter greeted my hungry lips as she kissed me as deeply as she could.

"Don't talk." she whispered as she worked her way down my neck causing sensations of acute icy satisfaction that I did not know I lacked until this moment.

Her hands ran quickly up my shirt and left slow, deep fissures as she scratched her way down my chest. My hands closed around her luscious curves, ripping the back of her white blouse with the power of my ancient desire. Grabbing the back of her head just where the hair line meets her neck I pulled with all my might and was rewarded with a gasp of ecstatic pleasure. Taking a deep bite out of her collar bone my free hand ripped off her soft cottony skirt not even bothering with any pretence. In the dark I could just make out the pink bow on the tip lining of her soaked panties. Not waiting for an invitation I reached down to take what she clearly wanted to give me. I could see the expectation in her eyes as I reached for the spot that would...

"Excuse me.." she said.

Snapping out of my daze, I watched the woman who had created this primal desire in me reach for a napkin in the dispenser while blushing like a blazing sun. Turning around, she walked away quickly to sit down with an older gentle man that could have been her father.

"Only in Germany..." I whispered to myself. Grabbing my cheese burgers, I walked off to take a seat and eat in relative and uncomfortable peace.


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