Letters to the Sun.
"What is it about a sunset that causes strange sensations in your head and your body? It's like you are just going through the day, riding the bus, or walking down the street and the minute you look at the setting sun, your mind gets the most peculiar sensation." Stretching from behind the massive computer monitor, Jacque couldn't help but look out the window and take in the golden rays of the setting sun for just a brief moment. "Its moments like these that make me wonder what is going on out in the world. No one can really know what is going on in other people's lives, we are only trapped in the world we see from our own point of view. To think right now as I type away my idle thoughts a father is teaching his son how to throw a ball down the street while the mother is inside watching from behind the slightly drawn curtain with a smile on her lips. In the next county a group of people could be meeting to discuss a common goal or idea. Somewhere acros...