Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Was editing and thinking on a very emotional and hard to write part on the novel I am currently trying to work on( and have been stuck on for some time) so I decided to do an exercise just to get some creativity flowing. This is the result. I don't think this will be in the novel, as it has nothing to do with the characters and the story that takes place there. So they can be whoever you want them to be. Just enjoy the brief tale.


Dead silence opressed the air between them.

He watched her from the bottom of the steps that lead into her plain and unadorned home, like many in the caldisack. She stood there, a feirce mask of determination plastered on her face, covering the pain that clearly shone in her gorgeous brown eyes; eyes that always reminded him of liquid chocolate and a subtle sweetness that could only be tasted by the most refined tongue.

He had been here many times before. He had walked her many times to the same door. A passionate embrace, a wish for a good night were one of his favorite moments. It was almost like something out of a movie, with a flavor of bitterness and sweetness like a dark chocolate sprinkled over a suckulent red strawberry.

Now only the dead of the night hung between them. The collidascope of emotions waring with a tangled dance of silence and waiting.

"Well, goodnight." she said softly as she turned to go.

Grabbing here hand, he spoke softly trying to keep the edge of panic out of his voice. "What? No kiss?"

She replied with a stern look that spoke volumes.

"Ok." He turned to walk away.

"Hold on." she said as she stepped fown to turn him back towards her. "I shouldn't do this...." she paused. "It doesn't change anything..."

"I know." he managed to croak out amidst the lump in his throat.

Her lips met his with all the passion and fire of the woman he had come to fall in love with. The simple and complex all wrapped up in an iron blanket of gentle warmth. Just everything he couldn't get enough of.

And all he could do was kiss her back weakly, consumed by his fear, for at that instant that thier lips met he knew she was already gone. Everything he had invisioned them to be hung in his head like a whisp of smoke that he failed to grasp, no matter how much he tried to reach for it.

The fire that made them so special, so electric, was still there in her kiss. He should have asked her to stay. He should have asked her to forgive him for all the wrong he had caused her, for everything he had took for granted. He should have...

He watched her climb back up the steps to her door as he turned to go, looking back just one more time incase this was the last he ever saw of her.

Everything left unsaid hung in the air between them. He couldn't help feel as if he was missing something, something that she just couldn't say.

"Goodnight." she said from the top of the steps.

"Goodnight..." he managed to choke out as he walked slowly towards the lights of his waiting car, burining inside with the realization of the moment and the foolish hope that still flooded him like an agonized flood.

He should have...


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