Conversation with Myself.

Don't believe in anything that is keeping you awake. Yes you. You as in I. Sleep troubled soul. I know your limits always seem like they have been reached, then a new level is revealed. I know you. I know me. You've transformed. I've transformed. I know it doesn't stop the pain. I know how sometimes you wonder why you have not yet gone insane. Maybe you already are. Maybe I already am. You chose to stay this time. That's not like you. Not like the old you. Before you use to run from anything uncomfortable. Nothing comfortable anymore. It's ok. I understand. I'm there. I'm here. This is only one part of you speaking. The many parts of you make you who you are. They are you. I am you. You are I. So it is and so it goes. I know time moves slow. I know the wait seems like it will never end. I know the thoughts that scare you. It's ok. You already know this. I already know this. I am new, yet I am the same. Am I boat or sea? Sea or boat? The part where sea meets boat. You know where this all started. Serendipity. It was a good thing. No matter how you hurt but don't doubt it. It takes work from 2. The universe shouts it. I know. I'm working. Where will we meet halfway? I don't know. We are not the enemy, it's not he vs she, him vs him,them vs us. It's just us. Where do we agree? Look there first instead of where we disagree and don't understand and use the pain as the sheild. Total happiness is around the corner. Just grab my hand when I offer it. Kiss deep. Love strong. Hurt with passion. Cry with feeling. Get up again. Next day. Next day. Maybe today. Maybe today.


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