The First.

He will never set the world on fire. Not like this. I could see it in his writing. Such a young talent, with the gift to make words leap off the page and become a golden palace deep in the middle of an unforgiving desert, or a happy monkey enjoying the simple pleasures of a meal in a local zoo. The boy had the touch. What happened? It was unlike Oliver to leave his assignments undone. An A plus student did not just stop writing and working to the point where his grades began to drastically slip. I leaned back heavily in my creaky wooden chair, burdened with the mystery and observed the class with my hands wrapped behind my neck, supporting the full weight of my weary head. They were just an average eight grade class full of young boys on the cusp of becoming young men, and young girls already going through that awkward stage as they developed into radiant young women. I guess they were all a little awkward. How many of these boys and girls would lead the future of ...