Something that came to me walking in the fog tonight.

The lights popped out one by one.
Fog all around her, so very hard to see.
Find him she had to, her life depended on it, as his depended on hers.
Two seperate halves of a circle, divided by the edge of a knife, only whole would they survive the night.

She ran on, slipping and sliding on the frozen ice. Tick tock, tick tock...a clock sounding off in her head.
A molevelant feeling hung in the air...heavier with dread and lonliness as she ran nearer.
And there around the corner she found him, staring with defiance into the eyes of the damned. Blue eyes aflame, meeting black empty sockets taht could put all the worlds hope to shame. The creatures elongated face never left his, but her fear could not bring her closer to help him. The things shoulder length, black hair never once russeled in the breeze, but it's screaming face neverleft him. On he stared into taht mask of other worldly death...the breeze russled his dirty blonde hair, making him shiver but never giving into death.

On and on they stared at one another. Man and...ghost it seemed. With one step at a time, she watched him step through the being, surrounded in an unatural light...

8:20 a.m.
She wakes up in a fright.


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