Open Letter

Depression has never been more real to me until recently. It sucks your will to do anything. Getting up in the morning is a chore. Work is irritating when it's not keeping you busy. The hours drag and drag. Studying is next to impossible. Your family and friends get on your nerves with the smallest comment. They try to make it better for you but no words or actions help to fill the ache that engulfs your entire mind and body. You try to lose yourself in material possession by buying things to make you feel better. That little hit of serotonin in your brain means the world. It doesn't last though. It passed by as quick as it came. At times the pain becomes unbearable. Your eyes well up and you fight just to hold back the tears as you stand in line at McDonald's or in a public washroom. There are good moments though. There are times when things almost seem normal again and life goes on. Life is always worth living and exploring, but I finally think I understand what it means...