I'm Coming Home (Chaos of the Writer)
I'm coming home...one more dance in the silent room...I'm coming home. What I wouldn't give to have just one more dance under the full moon. Coming home...I just can't shake the feeling that something big is coming my way, for good or for bad...though I think it is really good. What could it be? This curiosity is eating away at me...my patience is stretched thin...but not in a bad way. Struggling to write my story and not end it in the saddest way...its surprising to see my old journals, to see for how long I've wanted to write a book. Makes it easier to not give in and give up, to know this is a dream that is still alive, a reality perched on the edge of a knife. Tip one way, tip the other. Only under the covers of my mind can I discover the true meaning of these feelings that course through my body... the undisclosed desires which I know rule my entire existence. Just like thinking this passage is in chaos, jumping from one topic to t...