Insomnia Prt.2/Choices

We can do what we want, Everything is a choice. We choose how to act, To flip out, rejoice, be proactive, or react. What happens when we get lost? No longer quite sure if it's your heart that's the boss. Are we selling ourselves short for a hit of that crack? Just a touch of that short adrenaline snort? It comes in all shapes and sizes, Too many innocent disguises, That make you twist and turn as the confusion rises. The haze settles in, A recurring battle that we seem to never win, Maybe we should just skip ahead and let the heart ache set in? That would be so easy, To give up, Act sleazy, Maybe run the streets, Get a little teasy, Never believing just one would work on that still cracked, emotionally armoured, old soul. Time has passed, We do our best to plug in the holes. No one gets past the armour, No more than we allow. A deadly predator, a night cat on the prowl. Maybe we're just afraid to go that deep again, So we lie in bed unable to sleep again, Still feel the...